Chainsaw Sappers


In response to its operating environment, the Yggdrasill Legion has developed a number of entirely unique types of soldiers, including sniper squads who lie in wait in the forest, and scouts known as Treetop Rangers who have yet to adopt Arche armor. Its logger troops are one such specialized unit.
As their name suggests, logger troops are logistics troops who cut roads and gather resources in the forest. Beyond just clearing ground, they also engage in construction and fabrication, and sell the fruits of their labor in order to increase the resources available to the legion. They number among them the strongest, sturdiest soldiers in the legion, and treat cutting down huge trees as a game.
Geirsson has fitted these hulking men with Arche armor and equipped them with aether-powered chainsaws, enhancing both their work capacity and their close-range combat capabilities. In their new form, they are known as Chainsaw Sappers.
Paired with Saw Master sapper mechs, they are a formidable force, whether building roads or engaging close combat. Powered by blue crystal energy, their Arche chainsaws slice effortlessly through chimera carapaces. They cut roads through rugged forest to launch their attacks—Saw Masters tearing through the enemy camp, flinging logs to break through obstacles in their path before Chainsaw Sappers come leaping out, starting the close-quarters battle with shotguns and submachine guns. The roar of chainsaws resounds through the air as their blue crystal alloy teeth spin, driven by Arche motors with force capable of ripping through even Arche armor. In the face of their might, even Karsten's paladins have no choice but to flee.


Made of ABS, POM, PA, and PVC.

1/35 SCALE
2.3 inches (6cm).

Over 30 points of articulation.

A wide variety of weapons and accessories.

Faithfully presenting the kingdom world.

Approx. 6 cm ( 2.3 inches )
● Chainsaw Sappers x 1
● Arche chainsaw x 1
● Aether shotgun x 1
● Aether submachine gun x 1
● Belt x 1
● Stand x 1
● Kettle x 1
● Grenade x 2
● PVC Hand x 8
● Connector x 3